Peter F.

Peter F.

Відповідає протягом 10 годин на 80% повідомлень.
80% 10 год.
Приймає нових учнів

Peter F.

Приймає нових учнів

Does Your Job Require You to Speak Fluent English?

  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Від  10 €
  • Бажаний час: утром, вдень, ввечері, у вихідні
Ціна Від 10 €
Бажаний час: утром, вдень, ввечері, у вихідні
Опис Типи уроку Заявки Фото та Сертифікати Відповіді на запитання


Picture this: You're with your colleagues, they're all talking in English, but you're reluctant to join in...

What if they point out that your English isn't good?

What if you accidentally embarrass yourself?

What if they laugh at you?

If any of this has happened to you before, you know how uncomfortable it can be. Well, I certainly understand, because I was like that once.

But when I got a job that required me to be fluent in English, I had to learn FAST.

So I have some proven strategies that will help you improve your English. But most importantly, they will help you overcome your fear of speaking it.

So here's what you can expect after practicing English with me:

✔ The confidence to have professional conversations with your current or future employer

✔ Your unique communication style to help you stand out from your co-workers

✔ Formal English that will help you advance in your career and reach your goals

And the best part? You will have all the above in an encouraging, friendly, and supportive environment without ever leaving your home.

Now, there are a few requirements you need to meet to be successful:

- A friendly attitude
- English skills at A2 level or higher
- At least 2 hours a week to commit to learning and practicing.

Because I like to take my time with my clients and help them as best I can, I only work with 5 at a time.

At the moment, I have 2 openings, and I work on a first-come, first-served basis. So reach out to me right away.

Remember that group of colleagues we talked about earlier? Imagine that you're hanging out with them now - except this time, you can speak, interact, and laugh with them as if you were a native English speaker! How would that feel?

So if you need to develop your fluency in professional, business, or conversational English, reach out to me now.

P.S reach out to me via whatsapp if you need anything I don't check messages here at all.


Типи уроку

Štandardná lekcia

10 € / 55 хв.
Melinda G.

Melinda G.

Неперевірена заявка

Odporúčam skvelého učiteľa angličtiny, jeho prístup je profesionálny a originálny. Hodiny boli pre mňa veľkým prínosom, lebo výučbu maximálne prispôsobil mojim potrebám, zameriaval sa na konverzáciu, výslovnosť, zlepšenie ústneho prejavu, napr. ako správne predstaviť prednášateľa po anglicky. Prediskutovali sme také témy z oblasti profesionálneho rastu, ktoré potrebujem vo svojej práci a na ďalšie štúdium. Jeho odbornosť, komunikácia a ochota je na vysokej úrovni.

Gabriela R.

Gabriela R.

Неперевірена заявка

Peťo má veľmi dobrý a priateľský prístup. Zároveň vie podporiť a “nakopnúť”. Je výbornou voľbou pokým sa chcete rozrozprávať, nadobudnúť istotu, zlepšiť svoju komunikáciu v angličtine. Prisposobí sa vašim potrebám, odhalí ich a “naladí” sa na to, čo potrebujete a tak sú hodiny efektívne. Odporúčam:)

фото та сертифікати

Відповіді на запитання (1)

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Peter F.

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