Liam H.

Liam H.

Відповідає протягом 48 годин на 50% повідомлень.
50% 48 год.+

Liam H.

English Language Coaching with a Native Speaker- Conversation classes- Individual or groups- Also online!

  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Від  25 €
Ціна Від 25 €
Опис Типи уроку Заявки


Hi, my name is Liam Hassett, I am a native English speaker from the UK.

I offer English Language Coaching for intermediate to advanced students of English language, to help take your English to the next level!

Lessons are in a conversational format and can cover:
- Business English
- Telephone conversations
- Talking about current events
- Advanced vocabulary
- Phrases and sayings

Plus anything else that meets your specific needs, including overcoming any grammar issue giving you trouble :)

I like to keep my lessons engaging and structured, with a mix of reading and listening exercises, free conversation, and other activities.

Individual lessons are usually divided into 3 parts; A quick Grammar refresher, a media exercise (short video or article), and open conversation. Individual lessons can also be done online.

With agreement I can take groups of up to 3 students, as this makes for a good "conversation" atmosphere, so sign-up with a friend!

€25/ 45 mins individual lessons
€15/ 1 hour per student for groups of up to three

Типи уроку

Štandardná lekcia

25 € / 55 хв.
Andrej B.

Andrej B.

Неперевірена заявка

Liam is a great lecturer. Kind, patient, and entertaining. His lessons are very well organized and balanced to keep you focused and thinking. My main goal was to broaden my vocabulary, which we keep improving on with every lesson. Conversations are an amazing experience too, as Liam is a native speaker and knows what "works" in casual/formal dialogue. Highly recommended! :)

Lukas L.

Lukas L.

Неперевірена заявка

Liam is a native speaker and a very patient teacher. I'm always looking forward to the next lesson.

Ján J.

Ján J.

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I have lessons with Liam every week and I enjoy them very much. The lesson usually starts with grammar presentation, sort of memory refresher of what we've learned at school. Then we continue with some exercises. My favourite part is a media exercise where I can improve my pronunciation and understanding of different English accents. The lesson ends with us discussing mostly topic from the media exercise or something from our lives. Liam's teaching aims for continual improvement and I always feel energised after our English time. I highly recommend, especially because Liam is a native speaker.



Неперевірена заявка

Conversation lessons with Liam are very proffesional,in friendly can expand your english skills in many themes without having to feel that you are on english lesson.The best way to learn english language with person whose mother tongue is english!:)

Annie M.

Annie M.

Неперевірена заявка

Anglické konverzácie s Liamom sú veľmi pohodové a priateľské. Je to čas, keď človek môže byť sám sebou a má dovolené robiť chyby. Osobne som mala veľmi zlé skúsenosti s výučbou angličtiny v škole a doslova som angličtinu neznášala. Tieto konverzácie mi pomohli nadobudnúť odvahu a smelo rozprávať. Teraz už nemám strach v zahraničí niečo si pýtať v obchode alebo osloviť ľudí na ulici, keď sa stratím. Veľmi odporúčam! Okrem zlepšenia jazykových zručností získate aj nových priateľov. :-)