Dávid M.

Dávid M.

Responds within 1 hr, to 50% of messages
50% 1 hr
Accepts new students

Dávid M.

Accepts new students

Doučovanie Informatiky

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  10 €
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Price From 10 €
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Tutoring subjects:
Description Lesson types Answered questions


Volám sa Dávid, som študent vysokej škole v Bratislave a doučujem Informatiku

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

10 € / 55 min

Answered questions (1)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Dávid M.

Python- matice

Python- Vedel by mi prosim niekto pomoct, s tym, ako na tuto ulohu ist-> matica s n riadkami, k stlpcami, vrati index riadku s najvacsim suctom jeho clenov.(Sucet matic by som vedela nakodovat, ale najst index riadku uz vobec neviem ako) Dakujem