Kristina P.

Kristina P.

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Accepts new students
Free trial lesson

Kristina P.

Accepts new students
Free trial lesson

Lektorka angličtiny s vyštudovanou americkou univerzitou

  • 5/5 (rated by 6 students)
  • 111 lessons taught
  • From  15 €
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Price From 15 €
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Description Lesson types References Photos & Certificates Answered questions



Ucenie ma nesmierne bavi a je to praca, ktora ma zivi. 😊
Mozno sa pytate, preco si vybrat prave mna? Z mnozstva "ucitelov", ktori su k dispozicii..
Uz je to 10 rokov, co som vystudovala americku univerzitu 🇺🇸, zila som v USA a na Malte.

Ponukam v ramci mojich kurzov:
- lekcie talianciny
- lekcie anglictiny
- lekcie slovenciny pre cudzincov

Pracujem ako sukromna lektorka anglictiny. Mam skusenosti s ucenim individualnych aj skupinovych lekcii. V pripade zaujmu o skupinovu lekciu sa mi ozvite 🙂

Mam moznost aj fakturovat.

I also teach Slovak language and have all the necessary materials available.

Ak hladate skuseneho ucitela, ci mentora, ktory nielen oduci hodinu, ale poskytuje aj podporu pri otazkach a dotazoch mimo nej, ste tu spravne. Spokojnost mojich zakaznikov a napredovanie v jazyku su pre mna samozrejmostou. :)

- Pocas strednej skoly som stravila rok na vymennom pobyte v state Washington, USA, kde som studovala na High School
- sama som absolvovala viacere studijne pobyty na jazykovej skole EF na Malte 🇲🇹
- pracovala som 9 rokov cisto v anglictine, aj v korporatoch a z toho som pracovala rok v logistike na Malte 🏢

Rada Vam pomozem:

- s pripravou na pohovor
- bezne doucovanie a konverzacie 🗣️🔉
- s pripravou na Cambridge Exams
- studentom s ulohami 📖📚
- Business anglictinu🕴️, obchodnu anglictinu
- pravnu anglictinu 📔, psychologiu v anglictine, odbor logistiky ✈️🛳️
- naucim Vas pisat eseje ci slohy ✍️📝
- priprava na maturity
- priprava na jazykove certifikaty ako napriklad TOEFL (sama som ho absolvovala), mam skusenosti aj s SAT

Ja osobne doucujem formou online 💻.

⏳V pripade lekcie poprosim rezervaciu a potvrdenie hodiny aspon 24 hod. vopred. ⌚ V opacnom pripade nemozem garantovat hodinu.


I work as a private English teacher with experience in both individual and group lessons. I had graduated from American University, majoring in Business and Management.

If you are interested in group lessons, please contact me. 🙂

I am able to invoice. Materials provided.
I really enjoy teaching, and it's a job that makes me happy. 😊

You might be asking, why choose me out of the many "teachers" available? Here’s why:

I graduated from an American university 10 years ago 🇺🇸.
I lived in the USA and Malta (an English-speaking country) for a total of 3 years.
If you are looking for an experienced teacher or mentor who not only teaches during the class but also provides support for questions and queries outside of it, you are in the right place. Ensuring my students' satisfaction and progress in the language is a priority for me. :)

During high school, I spent a year on exchange in the state of Washington, USA, where I studied at a high school.
I completed several study stays at the EF language school in Malta 🇲🇹.
I have worked for 9 years in English-speaking environments, including corporations, and spent a year working in logistics in Malta 🏢.
I can help you with:

Preparation for interviews
Cambridge exams
Free tutoring and conversations 🗣️🔉
Assistance with student assignments 📖📚
Business English 🕴️
Legal English 📔
Psychology in English
Logistics terminology ✈️🛳️
Writing essays or poems ✍️📝
Preparation for graduation exams
Preparation for language certificates such as TOEFL (which I have taken myself) and SAT
I personally teach online 💻.

⏳ For lessons, I ask that you reserve and confirm your class at least 24 hours in advance. ⌚ Otherwise, I cannot guarantee availability.

Lesson types

Skúšobná lekcia

Vzájomné spoznanie sa + vstupný test, ktorý preukáže Váš level angličtiny

Free / 15 min
Anglictina - individualna lekcia

20 € / 50 min
Anglictina - individualna lekcia

poskytnute materialy su sucastou lekcie

18 € / 45 min

S rodenym Talianom 🙂

15 € / 45 min
Slovencina pre cudzincov

18 € / 45 min

References (20)

+ add reference
Luca P.

Luca P.

33 lessons taught

Kristina is a great teacher. She has been having English lessons with me, concentrating on Business English. I highly recommend her!

Tutor's answer:

Thank you Luca 😊

Lucia Š.

Lucia Š.

21 lessons taught

Kika je vždy super milá a nápomocná, hodiny angličtiny sú vždy uvoľnené a vôbec nemám stres z rozprávania. Určite odporúčam.

Tutor's answer:

Ďakujem pekne Lucka

Renáta H.

Renáta H.

14 lessons taught

Lekcie s Kristínkou sú fantastické! Veľmi oceňujem jej prístup, vždy dokáže lekciu prispôsobiť mojim potrebám. Počas lekcií nemám stres hovoriť po anglicky a za cca 5mesiacov som sa veľmi posunula. Jednoznačne odporúčam!

Tutor's answer:

Ďakujem pekne Renátka a teším sa na naše ďalšie hodiny 😊

Laura S.

Laura S.

10 lessons taught

Kristina has an incredible gift for teaching. Her classes seem like play but there is a lot of serious learning going on. I was already an intermediate/advanced student, but I learned something from every class, plus had a lot of fun doing it! She’s patient and supportive, but really knows how to motivate her students. She’s great at building confidence and keeping lessons fun and engaging through a variety of activities that improve conversation, writing, and reading skills. I would highly recommend her to anyone interested in learning English!!! 😊

Tutor's answer:

Thank you Laura for your reference 😊

Dasa L.

Dasa L.

3 lessons taught

Kika je skvelá lektorka, môžem len odporučiť :) veľmi oceňujem to, ako k hodinám pristupuje, nakoľko sa veľmi rýchlo dokázala prispôsobiť mojim individuálnym potrebám. Na hodiny je veľmi dobre pripravená a dávajú mi zmysel :)

Tutor's answer:

Dakujem pekne Daska. Daj mi prosim vediet ako Ti dopadol pohovor 😊

pictures and certificates

Answered questions (1)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Kristina P.


Dobrý deň, jumper definovať ako mikinu alebo svetrík. Ďakujem