Gréta G.

Gréta G.

Responds within 17 hrs, to 71% of messages
71% 17 hr
Accepts new students

Gréta G.

Accepts new students

Doučovanie prírodných vied

  • From  17 €
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Price From 17 €
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Description Lesson types Answered questions


Som absolventkou biochémie Prírodovedeckej fakulty UK a rada poskytnem moje vedomosti ďalej :)

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

17 € / 55 min

Answered questions (1)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Gréta G.


Ahojte, prosím Vás, vedel by mi niekto preložiť jednu vetu z angličtiny? Ďakujem pekne! There are essentially two stages in the transformation of elemental Pb shot into soil Pb compounds: the initial weathering of the Pb shot to form corrosion products; and the interaction of the corrosion products…