Raziyeh T.

Raziyeh T.

Приймає нових учнів

Raziyeh T.

Приймає нових учнів

Is the ability to read an alien script exciting? Let me teach you Farsi

  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Від  10 €
Ціна Від 10 €


I am Razi. A 43-year-old woman from Iran. I currently live in Slovakia. I have a bachelor's degree in painting and a master's degree in philosophy. Persian (Farsi) is my mother tongue, so you have this chance to learn Farsi from a native. By learning Persian, you will have the ability to read the script that you are very unfamiliar with.

Типи уроку

Štandardná lekcia

10 € / 55 хв.

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