Bruno D. Особа підтверджена

Bruno D.

Відповідає протягом 3 годин на 100% повідомлень.
100% 3 год.
Особа підтверджена
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Bruno D.

Приймає нових учнів
Безплатне пробне заняття

Native Spanish teacher (also tutoring in English) in Žilina

  • 1 проведене заняття
  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Від  12 €
  • Бажаний час: утром, вдень, у вихідні
Ціна Від 12 €
Бажаний час: утром, вдень, у вихідні


Hi! My name is Bruno, I'm 24 and I'm temporarily living in Žilina.

I'm not a professional teacher and I haven't studied Education, I actually studied Philosophy, but I have experience in teaching. I've have given many classes of chess for the last 6 years, mainly to children but also to adults, but I have also taught Spanish.

What I offer to teach is either English: which I'm fluent in, I have worked abroad (in the United Kingdom and in Norway), I have studied it for a few years and English is the main language in my daily life. But I also offer the possibility to teach Spanish, which is my native language (my hometown is Barcelona).

I have to say, though, that I don't speak Slovak, but I don't see that as an inconvenience for teaching different languages, on the contrary. As a foreigner myself, learning English or Spanish with me will make the students have to commit to only communicate in the language they are learning, they will not have the temptation of relying on Slovak because then we won't understand each other.

In my opinion that's a benefit of learning a language with a foreigner because it pushes you to speak in a different language than your native one and making yourself understood, to the point where it becomes the natural, common thing to address that person, me, in that second language, and will help overcome the fear of communication.

In that regard, I can tutor students from any age range (all ages are good to learn a language) and no matter with what level of knowledge they have of the language, either a complete beginner or a person who already knows how to speak the language but wants to improve it.

Also, I can adapt the tutoring for it to focus more on the pronunciation, on the grammar, on the listening or the speaking, but I'm a believer on learning by a lot of listening and trying to speak, especially at the beginning. Practice is what brings a person to enjoy learning something new, with engaging and fun content, and later on it can be corrected and studied more deeply. I believe that starting by learning vocabulary or grammar will only create a sense of boredom and difficulty which is more likely for it to cause the abandonment of the study than to improve it.

That's my philosophy when teaching and learning languages, and it's what I'm doing myself by trying to learn Slovak.

I'm very excited to start this journey here in Žilina as a teacher and to be able to help enjoy the pleasure of learning English or Spanish.

Типи уроку

Trial lesson

A first lesson to meet and arrange the classes.

Безплатно / 30 хв.
Standard lesson

12 € / 55 хв.