Panagiotis G.

Panagiotis G.

Відповідає протягом 2 годин на 100% повідомлень.
100% 2 год.
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Panagiotis G.

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An experienved Greek tutor for all levels

  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Від  15 €
Ціна Від 15 €


Hello. My name is Panagiotis I come from Greece and I have been living in Bratislava since February 2023. My bachelor's degree is on Philosophy and Pedagogy.
At the moment I am a PhD candidate at the Comenius University in Bratislava. I have been teaching the Greek language for 7 years at all levels. I have experience teaching Greek and other scientific subjects like philosophy and literature in Greece and Slovakia. I learn Slovak
to help my students to understand better the structure of the language as well as the differences between Greek and Slovak.

Типи уроку

Standard lesson

15 € / 55 хв.