Julia K.

Julia K.

Responds within 10 hrs, to 50% of messages
50% 10 hr
Accepts new students
Free trial lesson

Julia K.

Accepts new students
Free trial lesson

Native English speaker - Angličtina Online

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  13 €
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings
Price From 13 €
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings


Dobry den,
ja som Julia. Zila som 25 rokov v zahranici (USA), tam som chodila do skoly od 5 rokov. Mam Bachelor's v Business Management z Wayne State University. Rada vam pomozem zlepsit si Anglictinu! Kludne mi napište aj otazky.
My name is Julia, I studied business management at Wayne State University. I've lived abroad in the USA for 25 years, as well did all my education there. I would love to help you improve your English. Feel free to contact me with any questions so we can get started!

Lesson types

Trial lesson

Let's see if we're a good fit !

Free / 15 min
Štandardná lekcia

13 € / 55 min

pictures and certificates