Michaela V.

Michaela V.

Responds within 8 hrs, to 50% of messages
50% 8 hr
Accepts new students

Michaela V.

Accepts new students

Doučovanie slovenčiny online

  • 5/5 (rated by 1 student)
  • 3 lessons taught
  • Offers online lessons
  • From  8 €
Price From 8 €
Tutoring subjects:
Description Lesson types References Answered questions


Ponúkam doučovanie slovenčiny pre cudzincov, ktorí majú aspoň základy slovenčiny, poprípade vedia po anglicky. Moja úroveň angličtiny je B1, čiže by sme sa vedeli dorozumieť. Dopredu sa dohodneme čo od doučovania očakávate/aký je Váš cieľ a podľa toho nastavíme najvhodnejšiu výučbu.

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

8 € / 55 min

References (1)

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Nico S.

Nico S.

3 lessons taught

Miška has been an excellent and accommodating tutor for me. At this time, she is still giving me weekly lessons, and always has some material prepared, shows up on time, corrects me when I need it, and helps walk me through what I'm trying to say in Slovak. Miška is overall a great, pleasant tutor and has the patience that's needed when teaching someone who has a lot of questions and likes to jump around in the conversation. She can also analyze your personality/zodiac sign, just ask.

Answered questions (1)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Michaela V.

Vianočné trhy

Dobrý deň. Vedel by niekto napísať mi sloh na tému vianočné trhy (umelecký sloh).