Asif A. Overená identita

Asif A.

Overená identita
Prijíma študentov
Skúšobná lekcia zadarmo

Asif A.

Prijíma študentov
Skúšobná lekcia zadarmo

Senior Trainer (Digital Marketing, English, Communication and Microsoft Office)

  • Doučuje aj online
  • Od  6 €
  • Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer, víkend
Cena Od 6 €
Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer, víkend


A digital marketing and learning and development professional with an overall experience of eighteen years in the fields of training and capability development, soft skills training, human resource management and digital marketing.

Proficient in human resources management, training and capability development, content editing, copywriting and digital marketing, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint.

Typy lekcií

Trial lesson

Free trial lesson as a demonstration on one of the selected lesson i.e. English Language, Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Soft Skills, Basic Communication Skills

Zadarmo / 15 min
Standard lesson

Standard half an hour lesson on either English Language, Digital Marketing, Microsoft Excel, Communication Skills or Soft Skills

6 € / 30 min

Fotky a certifikáty